Markyate Amateur Dramatics Society
Aladdin - 2012
Despite the threat of not having a show in 2012 and then the loss of our Director somehow this very dedicated and talented group managed to achieve a pantomime – as the saying goes “the show must go on!!”
Aladdin Take Two was the story of a hapless boy proving his love to the girl of his dreams – of course there’s baddies, a dame, a pantomime cow and lots of fun!
So those “Bad Guys” Donny G (John Vaites), Frankie (Jeff Trendell), Vinnie (Pete Lewis) and the Little Mobsters planned to build a Casino on the Hicks Road Industrial Estate. The villagers insisted “He Can’t build that here”.
Aladdin’s mother, Widow Twanky (Tony Tate), and Aunty Spanky’s (Ann Housden) hair Salon was positioned on a crucial plot of land that was blocking the development. This Salon was run by the lovely boys Gavin (Adam Lewis) and Neil (Ken Rangel).
The Bad Guys held Aladdin hostage, to force Widow Twanky to sell up. Meanwhile Widow Twanky unknowingly met Donny G on an internet dating site and arranged to meet at the Village Cafe. Perhaps not adhering to all the internet rules laid down Sargent RightClick (Emilie Vin d’Arc) and D.I. Com (Phoebe Ranger)
In the Dragon’s Den Donny G, his henchmen and Dona Elena (Lauret Keany) were pitched to by: Mrs Ivy Newidea (Sarah Williams); Eamon E Spinner (Eleanor Housden); Miss Green (Lizzie Bottrill) and Miss Madge Ic (Izzy Vin d’Arc). None of whom got any investment from the Dragons except for Miss Madge Ic who’s “forget-it-powder” caught their attention. Then a Las Vagas Casino owner, Jonny Slots (Russell Woolsey), made a pitch to fund setting up the Casino in return for the hand in marriage of Donny G’s beautiful daughter Martini (Sophie Lambert). Aladdin was distraught by this news and he do something about it.
Unfortunately for Aladdin he was being held captive in the Bad Guys Basement but Aladdin met Queen Rat (Ro Basciano) who was holding some Rat Olympics. He also found a dirty old lamp. Giving the lamp a rub clean released a Genie (Barry Thorn), who gave Aladdin 3 wishes. His wishes were: to save the hair Salon; for Donny G to declare his love for Widow Twanky and for Aunty Spanky to meet her beau Jonny Slots. Using some special forget-about-it dust on the Genie, Aladdin gained one more final wish. With this he wished Donny G to give him Martini’s hand in Marriage.
Always a happy ending!
Directed by:
Jonathan Gurney
Original plot by:
Tom and Jessica Reynolds
Script by:
Judith and Jim McMullen and Lauret Keany
Proceeds to:
Hospice of St Francis and
The Care Group